Lets Fly VFR Flight Simulation.

Flight Simulation Adventure Begins Here.

Falcon BMS 4.37

Incredible Free Military Flight Simulator.

Falcon BMS 4.37 VR READY!

In 2023 it’s amazing you can still download an incredible free military flight simulator like Falcon BMS 4 37. This is the latest release of this long standing amazing military flight simulator. This latest release offers a lot of amazing features and importantly now has Virtual Reality (VR) support with Steam VR.

Falcon BMS

Falcon History.

Falcon 4. 0 was released in 1998 and was a very popular flight simulator at the time. It had features like a fully immersive DYNAMIC campaign mode that even today NO flight sim can compete with as well as amazingly realistic flight dynamics and realistic systems modelling.

The simulator unfortunately lost support with its distributor at the time (Microprose). It was lost to military aviation sim pilots or so we thought. Step in some incredibly passionate community members that made it their mission to save this military flight simulator. It would rise from the flames to be even better tan before with the tireless work of the community members.

Falcon 4.0

This is where Falcon BMS was born in a desire not to lose this incredibly complex and detailed military flight simulator. It pushed community members to take on this project which required some legal serious discussions regarding licensing but they were eventually successful in gaining approval to modify the Sim.

Development of BMS

The community first released Falcon-BMS 4.32 to the community with much applause and appreciation in 2011. At the time many sim pilots still owned a copy of the Falcon 4.0 from Microprose. It is part of the licensing agreement that the original Falcon must be installed on the PC that BMS is to be installed on. The Falcon BMS install looks for this and if not found will not install.

Today it’s still an important licensing requirement but I have found a number of websites recently openly offering a download of Falcon 4.0 for free. It may be the licensing period for Falcon 4.0 has expired but I cannot confirm this. It’s also available on Steam for about $4 us so it’s easy to obtain regardless.

  • FALCON BMS 4 32 – 2011
  • FALCON BMS 4.33 – 2015
  • FALCON BMS 4.34 – 2019
  • FALCON BMS 4.35 – 2021
  • FALCON BMS 4.36 – 2023
  • FALCON BMS 4.37 – 2023


FALCON BMS has continued to improve the Sim by adding aircraft but, the focus of this free military flight simulator is and has always been the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

The flight dynamics as well as weapons integration of this flight simulator certainly rival newer combat flight simulators like DCS World. I’m sure many BMS pilots will tell you it’s superior flight model is far better than DCS. There are many other aircraft that became flyable with BMS as the F-16 was the only flyable aircraft previously.

F-16 models have been expanded to make the earliest model Block 15 right through to the Block 52 are available as well as MLU or European models. These all have different features including different HUDs and avionics plus weapons capabilities.

Performance also varies between different models as avionics and engine changes are made. The Block 30 is renowned for being the most high performance F-16 model amongst the real world F-16 community.

Flyable Aircraft in this FREE Military Flight Simulator.

The BMS developers decided to widen the experience by producing quality 3d models and incorporated the existing F-16 instruments and avionics to make them operational so they, have F-16 DNA in their creation but fly, differently with a lot of detail applied to the flight models.

The current available aircraft that can be flown in missions are:

  • F-16 Falcon Block, 15 – 52 plus European Models.
  • F-18C Hornet (Fully Modeled)
  • Mirage 2000 (D, – 5, C, 9)
  • Harrier VTOL
  • Mig-29
  • Tornado
  • F-111 Aardvark RAVEN (ECM Variant)
  • F-15C Eagle (Work in Progress)

Dynamic Campaign Available in this FREE Military Flight Simulator.

The dynamic campaign mode is where this free military flight simulator stands head and shoulders above even pay ware combat flight simulators anywhere. There have been other companies try to achieve a Dynamically AI, driven campaign mode and all have failed with, many going broke doing so!

It is an incredibly difficult thing to create with DCS World only a few days ago stating they now have a dynamic campaign mode to be implemented in 2023.

What’s so Amazing about a Dynamic Campaign Mode?

Dynamic campaigns are driven by AI (artificial intelligence) which back in 1998 was a very new concept. To have a game of any type be able to create and react in REAL Time actions and interactions between both AI components and real world players was just unfathomable by most. It was something militaries probably had but not public games or simulators.

The scenarios in Falcon 4.0 worked in real time managing air, ground and sea operations. It allows even AI elements of the game to interact and engage in combat with the player being offered a number of flight options that could directly support and affect the outcome of the war as a whole.

Complex Campaign Flight Planning.

Falcon BMs pilots today also enjoy this unique challenge being sent on missions to destroy command and control or SEAD strikes that, will protect another strike package just behind directly influence the overall conflict.

REALISTIC Flight Planning!

Timing is also a crucial factor in the big picture in a campaign scenario. Your actions require you to be taking off on time with your package and be on target precisely on time as this effects other packages directly affecting their chance of success.

There are a number of default scenarios based on North and South Korea going to war in either pre war. Scenarios or full outright war operations. The situations and therefore the tactics are very different in these campaigns to be able to be successful. My understanding is it can take weeks to fight these campaign where victory certainly is not guaranteed.

Flight planning as well as weapons choices are super important and the supply of weapons and aircraft changes throughout the war. You and the AI Airforces you fly alongside may use up all their best AMRAAMS and be left with Sparrow missiles only. Your prized AIM-9X missiles could run out till resupplied over time leaving you with less capable weapons to use.

SUPPLY in THEATRE Challenges are Real!

Supply of PGM (Precision Guided Munitions) can run low leaving you a choice of using PGM or dumb bombs to complete a mission. It cannot be a totally selfish decision to swap your dumb bombs for LGB (Laser Guided Bombs) when you may not really need them. This decision could take away valuable weapon choices for AI aircraft making their chance at surviving and achieving mission goals much less likely causing you to lose the war as a whole. Everything has a cost!

The aircraft in the campaign can be lost so if your ECM and SEAD support flights protecting them don’t do their job, you can lose all your ECM and AWACS support. So if tasked with CAP responsibilities to protect high value targets you had better do your job. From being on station on time to the second to departing or combating intruders it’s all up to you!

Single Player Options for this Free Military Flight Simulator

The options for single player flights are varied but focus on air to air BFM, BVR and Air to Ground flights. There is plenty of flexibility able to fly, one vs one to many, vs many in full blown aerial dogfights.

The we variations can be altitude as well as distance apart to start a dogfight plus how many of any variety of weapons the aircraft carry. You can spend hours and more just flying air to air or air to ground missions. These you can add defenses like surface to Air missiles and anti aircraft guns around a target then try your best to attack the central target. Its very important to hone your skills in this free military flight simulator to ensure your success in campaign mode.

Falcon BMS Documentation.

Falcon BMS has extensive documentation in its Docs folder so don’t be shy to get your head into the books like real fighter pilots. Learning the basics of flying, to combat and the many aircraft systems you need to learn to be effective in combat. This is truly an in-depth combat, flight, simulator so I would say don’t expect to jump in and be successful if you don’t have lots of training in DCS already. Fighter pilots take 6 months to learn their basic systems and skills flying, and studying daily.


The amazing Falcon BMS community have put in hundreds of hours to make this free military flight simulator what it is today. They have created a wide range of additional theatres from the Balkans to European and Asian theatres of operation with possibly, more available than listed. These addon theatres are generally free but there have been a few sites trying to sell their own theatre creations. I certainly don’t begrudge people getting back for their hard work they have put in which is not small by any means.


FALCON BMS 4.37 Features.

Falcon 4.37 has surprised many like myself, an avid followers of flight, simulation since the 1980s. I, have owned Falcon 4.0 & Allied Force versions back in the day. They, were excellent and BMS has only, made the simulator better. The latest release offers amazingly offers Virtual, Reality support with Steam VR. I have waited patiently for about 5 years for its implementation beginning, when I got my Rift S. I’m so thankful and suitably impressed flying BMS 4.37 since I, downloaded it a few days ago.

The other major features are a totally new installer which makes the whole process a dream. Downloading the program installer then letting it do the work is excellent. Far better than the having to download three parts then install them in order as was the case a while back. A new User Interface has been developed to give the Sim a new more powerful entry to, the Sim with everything you need right, at, your fingertips.

There has been improvements to many aircraft systems around ECM adding new modes. The ability, to fly with CATAM training missiles with a new ACMI or (Air combat Maneuvering & Instrumentation system) allowing air combat training where kills are reported but not actually ended with an aircraft exploding. No doubt a great training aid for virtual squadrons not wanting to be court marshalled for friendly kills. A very realistic option for sure where realism is often taken to the extreme.

BMS Features.

Falcon BMS already has its own weather engine and now supports an updated graphic engine with DX11 support likely an update required to use VR in game. Scenery in Falcon BMS has been updated through the years and has 3D basic buildings and ortho scenery generated by using, photo scenery from satellites. This is a popular way of increasing the quality of ground scenery in X Plane.

There are online options to host missions with your friends and squadron mates. This is a more complicated process than using multilayer in DCS World where you select a multilayer server and just pick a free slot to fly. There are some servers available with websites like Veterans Gaming which could be an option for pilots looking for the online experience with Falcon BMS 4.37.


Brendon Mcaliece (Gunnie) has been involved in military, aviation for over two decades. His experience is on jet fighters like the F-111, Mirage IIIO, F-18 & Tornado varient to name a few.

Introduced to, flight, simulation in the mid 1989s he has been on the forefront of flight simulators for 35 years. Real world flying experience includes flights in Mirage IIO and Macchi jet trainers along with his own Sport Pilot License flying Jabiru aircraft in Australia.

Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170
Brendon McAliece Jabiru 170

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