Lets Fly VFR Flight Simulation.

Flight Simulation Adventure Begins Here.

DCS HD Graphic

Discover the AWESOME DCS World Free to Download Now!

If you’re ready for the most realistic combat flight simulator out there, then the DCS World Free Download is the place you need to start. The current release is Version 2.5 which comes with a massive Georgia map to fly over and the SU-25T as well as the TF51D unarmed version of the P51D. The graphics level is astonishing with tall forests and grasslands bordered by high mountains and low valleys to zoom down.

Adding to the DCS World is easy with a wide variety of aircraft from WWII to Korean theatre and the most modern killer jet fighters and helicopters. There are also a number of additional maps like Nevada for the top guns among us simmers as well as Normandy for the WWII Aces as well.

DCS World Aircraft

The Variety of modules is absolutely so I have included a few for you to consider depending on your choice of period. There are a huhe amount of payware but there is also a lot of whats called MODs in DCS which are created by the community like the A4 Skyhawk and there is a series of STAR WARS X Fighters and Tie fighters with a star destroyer so you can see the range is amazing. 

One thing I haven’t mentioned is ground troops lets look at all the options for DCS from Land Air and Sea operation including the Mods made by the community. There is such a lot to discover please read on and get familiar with all that is available.

F18 DCS module

Need some great Sim Gear for DCS? Check these deals out!

DCS World Online.

DCS World has an amazing online gaming options which are so easy to connect and fly within. Its all centrally located in the DCS menu under simply multi player. Its a matter of a couple clicks and you will be in the virtual world sitting in you chosen vehicle of choice.

You can start up and get flying all on your own and then keep your eyes open because there will be players out there ready to shoot you down. If your new to the online play you can go to the free flight and do aerobatics as well as practice your landings and take offs. 

The addition of a good HOTAS system isn’t necessary but certainly would be advisable. Other enhancements to the experience would be having TrackIR 5 to be able to look around your environment for the enemy sneaking up behind you. I highly recommend giving this a go. Everyone becomes cannon fodder in the beginning and it could take you a while to get proficient but the best get shot down online so enjoy the experience.

DCS: Combined Arms.

DCS combined arms just expands the world to ground troops, artillery and tanks. You can control SAM (Surface to Air) systems as well as controlling ground forces to create a full in depth campaign.

Combined arms give you the flexibility to allocate assets to targets as a JTAC which is a Joint Terminal Attack Controller. Assign your own targets for close air support, artillery fire missions as well as directly direct tank formations and much more. Its the complete war simulation and it gets better because its not just you. If you go online you can be interacting with many other real players from around the world on the very easy to use multi player online menu.

DCS Mods – Community Add-ons

A-4 Skyhawk Freeware Mod DCS World

There are so many mods available from aircraft again from all periods and theaters as well as ground vehicles then come the fine tuning mods like adding reflections and or re-skinning your aircraft. There is so much you can do or download and install to make your experience all the better. 

Download DCS WORLD

DCS World Multiplayer.

DCS World Multiplayer game play is the best with pilots all around the world flying the full range of available aircraft and all maps. The amazing thing is that it is so easy to do. 

To go online select multi player from the main menu and you will be presented with this screen. On the left column you can sort the Ping. What is Ping? It is the time you send a signal to the server and get a response. It shows how fast the connection is. Ideally you want to be under 300 when filtering. This will ensure you don’t get any delay while playing. 

The next column is the server name followed by the map. You can filter by map at the top. If you don’t have a map like Nevada installed you can’t play there. As you look across you can see how many players are on the server currently. Obviously you want to find a server with a good number of players currently on it. 

Thrustmaster @ Amazon.

Multi Player Rules and Etiquette.

Spitfire over Normandy X Plane 11 Freeware

The next step is just to select a server by clicking on it. Then you will be presented with any rules for the server. Multiplayer servers frown greatly on killing you own players, so be careful. Ensure you identify the target either visually or check the map (F10) to see if any players from your side are in front of you. The maps are set up mostly so you can see your own players but not the opposition. 

If you’re flying on a heading of 270 and there are no aircraft showing on the screen in that position, then your safe. There is also an AWACS you can check for targets as well or check for bogies and this can be helpful checking your targets. With some servers sometimes you get someone playing AWACs and verbally directing players on your team. 

If you want to experience combat and be prepared to get shot down frequently till you get better but that’s all part of learning. Enjoy and “JUST DO IT”.


Brendon McAliece is a multi lingual-expat who brings over three decades of flight simulator/PC building experience as well as over two decades of real world jet fighter experience as a weapons/egress technician. He holds a sport pilot certificate giving him real world flying experience. Hi travels have taken him from Europe to the Middle East, Asia and his home of Australia. He has a passion for travel, languages, Flight simulation as well as Guitaring and Coffee. You can read more in his blogs below.

Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170

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