
Lets Fly VFR Flight Simulation.

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Discover the Most Amazing YouTube Channels – Flight Simulators & More!

Your Best Flight Sim Channels Are HERE!

Flight Simulator YouTube Channels

The best YouTube Channels are right here!

Flight simulator YouTube channels like LetsFlyVFR and now the website have been a labor of love for myself. I really enjoy bringing different aspect and my own spin and personality to my videos. I have learnt a huge amount since I started in 2017. As I write this I am have passed 2000 subscribers which is a massive miles stone. Thank You to all my great subscribers.

In my getting started I looked at many other YouTube channels for inspiration and some have even given me a huge amount of help and guidance. I would like to thank Laobi for his massive amount of support. He made a personal add and took my fledgling channel to his huge amount of subscribers. It made Lets Fly VFR YouTube channel come alive. I gained something like 500 great people who became subscribers in a matter of a week or so. Thank you Loabi for your support. You are awesome and bloody funny so go watch his channel.

The second person is Shane from AusFlightSimmer YouTube Channel. Another inspiration and someone else that has been in the background supporting me and I had about an hour chat with him early on and I have to thank Shane for giving me the confidence to go on when I was wondering If I had done the right thing. He has a fantastic channel channel full of test drives of aircraft and scenery in all the simulators Like Prepar3d, FSX and X Plane 11. Need some great information then please visit AusFlightSimmer on YouTube.







There are a great number and variety of YouTube Channels available. Most mix content and there are a few that specialize in one sim. If your looking for tutorials, reviews of aircraft, airports and other scenery as well as mods and other add-ons you will find a wealth of information among these great channels. 

What do Youtube channels offer?

There s are so many YouTube channels on YouTube that its sometimes hard to find what you really need. It depends on what your looking for with your time on YouTube. There are countless tutorial channels which are extremely helpful and most are focused on a particular flight simulator. 
DCS World has so much to learn that following someone like Growling Sidewinder you can learn the basics of survival either online or in the single player environment. He shows you through examples which are generally very entertaining then breaks it down showing you the tactical aspects of each engagement.

Microsoft Flight Sim YouTubers

Micrsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has impacted the flight simulator heavily of late. It has brought with it a lot of challenges for new players with so much to learn. In the beginning of 2021 it still has a long way to go and I would still say its in a Beta state with all thats currently planned with a move from DX 11 to DX12 plus a lot of work on virtual reality tuning and optimization. This again is where youtubers like AusFlightSimmer become invaluable. Ausflight simmer is a man with many years of passionate YouTube flight simulator experience and a wealth of knowledge so go visit his site if your need a guide as to what is coming next.

Virtual Reality YouTubers

Virtual Reality or VR has bought with it a lot of newer flight simulator enthusiasts but totally focused on Virtual reality tips, tricks and keeping us all up to date in the world of VR hardware. This space is very fast paced so having some great VR flight simulator voices on YouTube is very much welcome. 

There are YouTube channels like The VR PilotSim Hanger Flight Simulation and the VR FlightSim Guy to name a few popular channels for you to check out. Click links on their names to go check them out.







Flight Simulator YouTube Channels

There are a lot of fantastic flight simulation channels and I will undoubtedly add to these current ones. I think we should look at some of the official places to get news on your favorite sim so here are the official YouTube channels to keep yourself up to date. 

Eagle Dynamics

X Plane 11 

Lockheed Martin
Wags – Eagle Dynamics
Microsoft Flight Simulator

I hope you have found the flight simulator YouTube channels here  to be great entertainment. There is certainly a big variety of flight simulation styles among the included videos with a wealth of knowledge. 

You will fins a wealth of information on new aircraft and scenery available among these creators. There are a lot of different personalities included as well. The light hearten to the serious reviewers so enjoy and let me know what you liked.


Brendon McAliece is a multi-lingual expat who brings over three decades of flight simulator/PC building experience as well as over two decades of real-world jet fighter experience as a weapons/egress technician. He holds a sport pilot certificate giving him real-world flying experience. Hi travels have taken him from Europe to the Middle East, Asia and his home of Australia. He has a passion for travel, languages, Flight simulation as well as Guitaring and Coffee. You can read more in his blogs below.

Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170

Learn more @ DreamingGuitar.com – DreamingCoffee.com – LetsFlyVFR.com

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