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DCS FREEWARE Mods Aircraft List Supreme Quality.
DCS FREEWARE Mods Aircraft List Supreme Quality.
What is DCS WORLD?
DCS freeware mods are amazing to download and fly in Digital Combat Flight Simulator created by Eagle Dynamics. Digital Combat Simulator is downloadable in two distinct versions being the stable and open beta releases. The versions are both very similar and I will discuss the differences below.
DCS World- What’s Included?
DCS World includes one map of the Caucuses and two aircraft to fly. The map of the Caucuses contains mountain ranges as well as plains with many airbases and civilian towns and cities. The map covers considerable area with a variety of open plains with towns, cities and airbases. The weather can also be seasonal so you can experience a winter if that’s your desire.
Take off and fly super low level through the mountain ranges and discover all the map that is at your fingertips. Skim the forest valleys as well as the lakes and rivers running through the whole region. You can certainly spend a lot of time just exploring the map in your available aircraft. Its also a great place to take your DCS freeware mods for a spin.
SU-25 Frogfoot – DCS Freeware Mods
The SU-25 Frogfoot is the close air support aircraft you have been waiting for. Capable of delivering incredible damage to an opponent yet survive with the considerable armour protection built into the airframe. This tough workhorse is the Russian equivalent of the A-10 Warthog bringing a powerful gun as well as a wide array of dumb and smart weapons to the pilot. Known to be rugged and tough with landing gear designed for unprepared runways this little workhorse will land anywhere. The two turbofan engines are strong enough to keep you flying even when one has been shot off the aircraft by ground fire. Its systems are old but still super effective.
DCS Freeware Mods – T-51 Mustang.
The second aircraft is the civilian version of the venerable P-51 Mustang known by the T-51 designation. Although not armed this aircraft can give you a taste of what’s on offer in WW2 aircraft are like to fly with high altitude and low level flights to discover its performance.
Learning to start and fly the T-51 mustang will always be a challenge with the massively powerful engine and tail wheel configuration. Taildraggers will bite you quickly if you treat them poorly. You have to use the rudder correctly just to taxi and take off. It will entertain you for some time learning to fly it well.
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New Payware Releases & Open Beta
DCS Download Options.
Stable Release 2.7
The Stable Version of DCS World is the final version of the current release which is currently at 2.7 at time of writing. This version is the most complete and stable version currently. You will find all completed and released aircraft here. There are generally no known major bugs in this version of the simulator so it’s the most trouble free. It’s the most polished and stable version for DCS pilots to use looking for trouble free gaming.
There are some limitations to just having the stable version. New release aircraft like the F-16C Viper are still not available in the stable version and have been in prerelease for nearly a year. One reason to consider the open beta if your desperate to get your hands on a new aircraft or map.
Open Beta 2.7
This is a beta testing platform is available for all to use just not its possible bug issues. This helps the developers find bugs before releasing modules to the stable version of DCS. Just understand not everything is perfect in the open beta but it is normally where you can use mods, but these don’t always pass the stable version tests and won’t load.
If you are already a DCS World owner and have purchased a new module from DCS Estores that is a Pre-Release version you will not see it available in the release version. You will need the Open Beta version to enjoy the new module you paid for until Eagle Dynamics releases it into the stable version.
Eagle Dynamics and its partners create new modules of aircraft/Maps as purchasable modules, but they always release to the Open Beta platform first while they add features including weapons and aircraft system and resolve any initial issues. They will be prerelease versions. The majority of DCS players seem to download both stable and open Beta releases if they want the newest module releases before they hit the stable version. It can be many months to a year from prerelease to the open beta before being released in the stable version.
DCS MOD Types.
Least Accurate Mods.
DCS freeware mods come in many forms and are created by amazingly dedicated community members. Mods come in a number of forms with the best being very close to commercial quality. There are many others that are a bit of fun, but the quality isn’t quite as high. The least quality freeware modules are already available aircraft that have a new external models placed over them but retain the donor aircraft cockpits. That is an aircraft that looks like a Grippen externally but still has the original Mirage cockpit for example.
These modules are OK but only look like the intended aircraft from outside views. The quality and the ability to fly them online can be limited as well as a warning that some mods can break integrity checks and cause trouble flying online even with purchased modules.
FC3 Aircraft Mods.
The most popular donor aircraft come from the Flaming Cliffs 3 pack which are a number of low fidelity aircraft. The cockpits do not have clickable switches and require all actions to be bound to a HOTAS/joysticks and keyboard commands to operate systems.
Having said this, they are very good to fly, and you will definitely enjoy this inexpensive payware module. The pack is required to be installed for many of the mods to work. Always check the manual before downloading a mod to check the donor aircraft so you know it will work.
The Flaming Cliffs 3 pack is inexpensive to purchase and includes the A-10, F-15C and Mig-29. They complement the SU-25 and P-51 included with DCS. Flaming Cliffs 3 is a great start for many mod creators for their new projects. These aircraft are often reskinned as well as having new cockpits built to really improve the level of realism and quality of the mod.
DCS Jet Fighter Mods
DCS Freeware Mods – SU-57 Felon Mod
The best DCS freeware mods are created from scratch or have a FC3 aircraft as a donor but are so modified they stand on their own as a new aircraft. These have improved systems as well as animations like weapons doors open and closing as an example. This level of mod generally also has a clickable cockpit and extensive systems integrations.
There is a lot of open-source information for older aircraft including systems operations as well as performance parameters for aircraft at a wide range of configurations hence they can be quite accurate in performance to the real aircraft.
When downloading a mod check if you need the FC3 pack or another aircraft if another has been used as a base for the mod.
DCS Freeware
Mods – Eurofighter Typhoon Mod
The Typhoon has proven to be an amazing 4.5 generation fighter carrying an array of potent weapons as well as incredible performance. This incredible aircraft holds its own against the F-22 Raptor if reports can be believed.
Designed to replace the Tornado ADV in the air defense role as well as the Tornado IDS in a strike role this aircraft brings capabilities of the latest 4.5 generation fighters into one package and a great DCS Mod.
DCS Freeware Mods – DCS Rafale Mod
The Rafale in an extremely capable French designed canard, delta wing combination providing incredible maneuverable fighter. The Rafale has served the French air force and Navy well in its illustrious career.
The DCS freeware mods like the Rafale show what’s absolutely possible when the community of passionate combat aircraft enthusiasts with some coding and 3D skills can produce. This mod is really amazing and should be on your shopping list for your virtual hangar.
DCS WORLD Helicopter Mods
Helicopter Mods are often overlooked by the bulk of fighter pilots in DCS WORLD but there are some great ones. The selection below are pretty good options if you don’t spend the cash on a sparky new helicopter. There are now a couple payware modules with the AH-64 Apache now in early access.
DCS WORLD UH-60L Blackhawk Mod
The UH-60 is a fantastic option with the limited helicopter options available until now. The helicopter has recently been released to the public and from recent videos has proven to be a winner in the DCS freeware mods community.
If you love a great workhorse that does everything this agile helicopter will help you deliver supplies as well as pick up troops to insert or recover to hospital. Flying helicopters in VR is an experience I highly recommend to you if you have not yet taken the plunge.
The Blackhawk is another fine example of what DCS freeware mods can be offered at a premium level of detail. I know if you’re a rotor heads you’re going to love this great aircraft. Its highly recommended you have some pedals when flying shoppers as you need to manage torque constantly with the rudders keeping the chopper straight.
DCS World Eurocopter Tiger Mod
The Tiger is a ground attack helicopter built by British Aerospace for the European Theatre. This is the European attack helicopter produced again by a consortium of European partners. It is said to be very agile and very effective with its two crews dividing up the weapons delivery duties and flying responsibilities.
The Eurocopter or Tiger as it’s known delivers plenty of punch with its nose mounted gun and assortment of attacking missiles. This is a sportscars of helicopters for flying low and delivering death in spades.
DCS WORLD AH-64 Apache Mod
The AH-64 attack helicopter is a veteran of many conflicts showing its absolute deadly effects in combat. The two crewed bringer of death has primary weapons of the Heloise missiles as well as its own 30mm chain gun.
There is a NEW module released as payware which is amazing but if you’re looking to try killing tanks from the trees this awesome attack helicopter is your first option.
DCS WORLD AH-6J Little Bird Rece Mod
The Little Bird has been available for a quite a while and has proven popular with DCS Combined Arms users to get Intel directly on the battlefield.
This fun helicopter has been popular with the rotor heads and as a DCS freeware mods option it’s a fun one but limited in use with few weapons but in a combined arms scenario it’s there to track and guide the fast movers into a target while remaining hidden.
Not for all but a small agile chopper ready to get you where you need to go it is.
DCS freeware mods – Modern Fighters
DCS World F-35 Lightning II Mod
The F-35 Lightning II is one of the newest 5th generation stealth aircraft with powerful performance, agility as well as s I super cruise. The cockpit uses fill glass displays giving the pilot unparalleled situational awareness. Fifth generation aircraft utilize sensor fusion bringing air to air as well as air to ground information together combining it in one complete picture.
The F-35 pilot can engage both air to air and ground targets simultaneously. Something not previously possible in 4th generation aircraft. If you’re looking to fly around with impunity the F-35 Lightning, and its stealth qualities make this aircraft special.
SU-57 Felon Stealth Fighter Mod.
This newest Russian SU-57 stealth aircraft is ready to duel with the F-22 Raptor in any skies you choose. The first 5th generation Russian Stealth aircraft awaits you for your next high priority mission. Super cruise, stealth as well as sensor fusion this incredible fighter will take you to the next level in combat.
The super maneuverable DCS freeware mods are becoming popular with a number of very new 5th generation fighters now being created. This aircraft now reported to fire Russia’s latest hypersonic weapons is certainly going to be one for the red team’s arsenal.
If you’re a fan of Russian designed aircraft, then I’m sure you’re going to want the latest and greatest technology in your virtual Air Force hangar.
F-22 Raptor by Granelli Designs
The F-22 Raptor Air Superior is regarded by the west as the premium air superiority fighter today. The SU-50 Felon is its direct competitor, but it seems there are not enough evaluable to create a squadron as yet. The F-22 Brings sensor fusion, super cruise and unparalleled maneuverability with its thrust vectoring engine nozzles.
Reports that are made public about its combat abilities show this aircraft is in a world of its own. Reported to have a kill ratio of 10-20 to 1 in training scenarios. F-15 pilots who have fought the F-22 say they never knew it was there till they were dead.
The F-22 shows how much difference between the aircraft it meant to replace and itself. A world of difference. This F-22 Mod is created by Granelli designs and is an amazing representation. This one you want in your DCS hangar.
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DCS Freeware Mods – COLD WAR ERA
It’s possible to find mods from most periods and the cold war period is no exception. There are a number of mods of varying quality available so let’s check them out.
MIG-23 Flogger – DCS Freeware Mod
The Soviet designed MIG-23 with its swing-wing design was designed to be a great fighter but its performance wasn’t as good as planned but it excelled as an attack/strike aircraft. If you’re looking for a Soviet ere great strike aircraft with a wide range of weapons that was used extensively in many soviet wars, then the MNig-23 could be the answer you’re looking for.
A-4 Skyhawk MOD
The A-4 Skyhawk mod has been an extremely well received module. With a fully operational custom cockpit this mod sets the highest quality standards. The A-4 was a fantastic strike aircraft used in the Vietnam war and exceeded all expectations in performance and weapons carrying ability.
This mod is one of the top 5 if not the best high-quality mod available today. Flying carrier operations this aircraft will bring a grin under your oxygen mark with its nimble performance.
DCS Freeware Mods – Mig-31 Foxhound
The Mig-31 Foxhound is the big brother to the Mig-25 Foxbat. Although the two look somewhat similar the Foxhound is actually considerably larger. It is still an incredibly fast interceptor and capable of altitudes many western aircraft can only dream of. The Mig-31 is a great DCS freeware mod and will have you running intercepts with your super long-range missiles and even hypersonic missiles now in use.
If you’re a nostalgic Russian cold war buff you’re going to want to kick the tires and light the huge fires in these massive engines and go high and fast.
DCS Freeware mods also cover a range of excellent prop and jet trainer aircraft to get you started in military aviation. These aircraft provide a simpler point to get started and take a more realistic path in learning your military flying techniques as well as BFM and many more aspects of military flying. The mods below are very well completed with clickable cockpits in some cases. The flight models are generally quite a lot of fun so you can push the boundaries if you wish and see if they bite you back.
The T-45 is a fun aircraft and great to get your carrier qualification out of the way in. Great flight and ground handling characteristics. The PC-7 is another fun aircraft to fly around and get your head into combat flying. It’s also pretty good at close air support so if you have the Combined Arms Module and or the JTAC payware modules then this aircraft could be the right tool for the job hitting some forward troop and light armored formations between the trees for cover.
DCS Mods Links
Click link to download.
F-22 Raptor – Granelli Designs
Macchi – MB 399
MIG-31 Foxbat
Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.
He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multilingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on and, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.
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