What is the Most Advanced Fighter Jet Today?

What is the Most Advanced Fighter Jet Today?

What is the Most Advanced Fighter Jet Today?

Jet Fighter Technology

The most sophisticated jet fighter in the world is a hard choice and could certainly one of many current fighters. Its a measure of performance, systems and avionics and with the military’s secrecy of jet fighters and their systems we have to make an educated guess. The latest jet fighter aircraft now include stealth technology in all 5th gen designs and partial stealth in the 4.5 gen aircraft available.

Fighter jet

What is a fifth gen jet fighter aircraft by definition though? A fifth gen aircraft has to have stealth capabilities for sure but more so its the sensor fusion technology that makes a new 5th generation incomparable to the previous generations.

These new aircraft can track and kill both air to air and air to ground targets simultaneously and maneuver around threats without ever being detected.

It’s been demonstrated in real life with F-22s intercepting some Russian aircraft and the F-22s simply placed themselves behind and under the intercept aircraft. They remained there undetected for a considerable time before sliding out next to the aircraft. The pilots just have had the shock of their lives to find the F-22 Raptors just watching them.

Sensor Fusion & Helmet Mounted Displays.

It’s the sensor fusion that makes the latest aircraft stand out from all previous generations of combat aircraft. The ability to comprehend in unprecedented accuracy and resolution has changed the nature of warfare forever.

Sensor Fusion enables a pilot to simply see everything in the battle space all at once on both the cockpit displays as well as the helmet display. The latest jet fighters have helmet displays capable of tracking and even targeting aircraft by just looking at them. It also shows current threats from the RWR Radar Warn Warning Display) showing known aircraft types and their direction relevant to the aircraft. The F-16, F-18 Hornet & F-22 Raptor all have these systems.

The F-35 takes this to the next level with a helmet system gives the pilot 360 degrees of view so the pilot can look through his aircraft at ground or air targets. This seems incredible but a series of cameras coordinate to offer this spherical ability to see everything around the aircraft even when the pilot cannot.

Sensor Fusion Cockpit Displays

It was previously impossible to display both air to air and air to ground information in one complete picture. The precious generation computer technology was incapable of presenting this massive amount of data in one display. The ability to process all the information coming from both its own ESA (Electronically Scanned Array) radar, AWACS, other air and ground assets as well as ship information including addition the ground radar targets info was an insurmountable task.

This has changed with current advances in computing power and the world belongs to the latest 5th gen fighter jets.

Military Secret Development.

The military aviation world is super secret and having worked in Research and Development in the military there is a lot that goes on with new systems, testing and refinement. This is what making a realistic and knowledgeable predictions of that fighter jet is the most advanced quote difficult but we will give it our best. There are also new fighters being developed or concepts being tested we mere mortals may never hear about.

Fighter jet

Narrow the Field.

The top choices have to be the F-22 Raptor, the F-35 Lightening II with the new but lightly produces as yet Sukhoi SU-57 (Felon). All of these are incredibly good aircraft in stealth and combat capability.

Fighter jet

Looking a little further afield the SAAB Gripen JS-39 as well as the Dassault Rafale and the Typhoon II are all incredibly good for sure. The latest F-15 Eagle is still being improved and upgraded avionics capabilities plus its 130 air to air kills to no losses in air to air combat make the F-15 an incredible aircraft and has to be considered.

Interestingly the latest F-16 Block 70 Viper being delivered to Kuwait has a lot of F-35 technology as well as avionics and a similar single panel touch screen cockpit display. It has a new ESA (Electronically Scanned Array Radar) that just blows away previous models with and incredibly powerful 40,000lb engine to maintain its now somewhat heavier airframe.

OK then what about the Russian jets? There are some pretty amazing capabilities in the Su-35s and recently somewhat famously Su-35M model being used in Ukraine being shot down by their own systems. The aircraft is Said to be highly respected for its maneuverability and weapons systems but not much else is in the public domain.

Fighter jet

I really believe the quality of current aircraft is incredible and let’s not forget the quite capable JF-17 also reportedly to be extremely capable. The Chinese J-20 a new Chinese 5th generation jet fighter on the table but how good these are we really don’t know. There is a lot of insinuation that it’s design comes from hacked US military computers so as to create this design. It’s certainly possible to see some salaries.

We may never know without a conflict how good these Chinese aircraft are. Let’s hope this remains in the world of computer simulation like DCS World where you can fight in air to air combat anytime.

The Most Sophisticated Jet Fighter Is?

So my choice for the Best and most sophisticated jet fighter would be the F-35 Lightning II. It is built with the latest structural designs and materials, newest systems & avionics plus weapons capabilities. It is reported to have an even smaller RCS (Radar Cross Section) than any other jet currently including the F-22.

Fighter jet

It’s simply the most capable and most abundant 5th gen aircraft available. It’s ability to be the biggest force multiplier in history, coordinating information and threats in a combat environment cannot be discounted.

Fighter jet

It can be the eyes and ears for hundreds of combat aircraft as well as ships and troops as well through data link! Can you imagine what’s possible if your picture of the combat space is so complete when your opponent has gaps at a minimum in their view Any small advantage can be exploited to create immense damage.

This is the game changer and where I don’t think another aircraft currently can compete with it! The scary news is the F-35 is already looking like it will get a new engine in the not to distant future. T

his new engine will have features never seen in the fighter world before! The engine will produce even more thrust than the current 43000 lb but will have two performance parameters that will operate automatically to give either maximum performance or maximum efficiency for long cruises and increase loiter time in a combat theatre. These are called adaptive cycle engines

Fighter jet
MILITARY Fighter jet

Its very much like selecting eco, normal or sport mode in a car of today. This has never been achieved in a jet engine of any type and could be the future of many next generation engines.


Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170

Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.

He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multi-lingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on LetsFlyVFR.com and DreamingGuitar.com, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.

Learn More @ DreamingGuitar.com – DreamingCoffee.com – LetsFlyVFR.com


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