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Joining the Airforce – Performance and Technology Personified.

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Joining the Airforce – Performance and Technology Personified.

So, your passionate about aviation and considering joining the Airforce? The Airforce is an absolutely incredible career for so many people. With the right aptitude and desire to work as a team the Airforce could well be the place for you.

The Airforce offers leading edge technology from the latest fighters, computer systems, weapons as well as great pay and conditions are all available. It offers so much more that civilian life does not. The Airforce also offers medical and dental care and its at your fingertips plus food, accommodation and uniforms.

Learning the F-16
Staff Sgt. Lester Bonney, 363rd Training Squadron instructor. (U.S. Air Force photo by Alan R. Quevy)

Life Style in the Airforce.

When you join the Airforce in any country you meet like minded team people. In an organization like the Airforce it’s a big machine, and you will be a very important cog in that high technology machine to ensure the mission is achieved.

Airforce Pilots – F-16 Vipers

Working Hours

Airforces still work Monday to Friday as many civilian companies do. There will always be jobs that require weekend work, or have a roster where night work. In these situations you do not earn overtime sadly. It’s a flat rate with benefits civilians cannot dream of which is still a great place to work.

In some instances units may or may not note overtime worked and offer this as leave in leu in payment. This system exists but understand you cannot walk in and demand the time off. Often on busy units you acquire a lot of leave in leu but never get to take it. This is the sad truth. It’s lost when you move on posting as it’s all unofficial.

If you have leave in leu, it’s recommend anytime there is a quiet time ask for a day off or add a day to a weekend. Having a break keeps minds active and productive. A short break can make a big difference to attitude and physical well being. You can only ask!

Travel when You Join the Airforce.

Travel in the Airforce is part of the job. People in all trades travel on attachments when aircraft deploy. This can last a few days to a few months in duration and can be to combat operations. Yes remember this could take you to war!

Women Welcome in the Airforce.

Airforce Postings.

The Airforce takes some consideration to where you want to be posted but the final decision will always be the Airforces requirements. It can work out well for many though. There is a form that you can add preferences for postings when you join the Airforce.

Postings can take you to one base, and depending on position and future postings could be posted to different squadrons on that same base. Defense budgets are tight and posting people every 2-3 years to another base really stopped in many Airforce. It was simply to save money. Should you be in support and administration you may also experience the same process. It’s something worth asking your recruiter on how postings currently work.

The Airforce Needs the Best People.

You may be surprised its not just the highest achieving school students that are required in the Airforce. Much of what is needed is intelligence but a team player with a real desire in joining the Airforce. Right from the beginning new recruits need to work together to achieve goals and need to support each other. It’s beneficial to understand right from day one that you look out for your mates. It’s certainly expected they will look after you!

You do lose some of your individualism while becoming part of the big collective. Yes your into the hive like the Borg. Your individual personality and opinions are certainly valued when you have something great to offer.

Airforce is a Team.

Airforce Jobs are Diverse!

Joining the Airforce offers so many diverse job opportunities. The organization requires a lot of different skill sets to operate effectively. There are some quite specialized positions these days like cyber security which has become so important in today’s networked world.

  • Pilot
  • Navigator.
  • Flying Engineers/Load Masters.
  • Air Traffic Control.
  • Airfield Arrestor Cable Technicians.
  • Aircraft Engineer /Electronic/Mechanical
  • Aircraft Technician. Weapons, Munitions, Egress, Engines, Airframe, Electronics, Radio/Radar.
  • Doctor/Dentist/Nurse/Medical Assist.
  • Security Police / Base Security/ Dog Handlers.
  • Administration/Supply.
  • Linguists
  • Plumbers/Electrician/Welders/Carpenter
  • Cooks
  • Meteorology
  • Safety Equipment.
  • Fireman.

These are just some of the employment opportunities in joining the Airforce today. There are many more very specialized positions that no doubt I have not listed..

Security is a Serious Business.

Joining The Airforce.

Joining the Airforce can take some time so as soon as your eligible get your paperwork in. There will be a number of aptitude tests with interviews to detainees your character. Your school history and your family history matter. Did you play team sports or were you more into sports you competed in on your own. They want to know if you have been in any school military organization like Airforce cadets or scouts. Do you work well with other people is the question.

The next question is what position do you want to apply for? If its fighter pilot then realise you had better be in the top percentile at school. These men and women are exceptional working in high stress environments under high Gs and still maintain situational awareness.

Airborne Operators.

There is both a degree to achieve such as mechanical engineer to become a pilot. Yes the Airforce pays and trains you but you pay back with extra service time.

Trades and Other Positions.

The Airforce has training for all its positions so you will be constantly learning more and more. The training requirements may be a few months in administration or a year or two in technical areas. It varies quite a lot.

Women in the Airforce.

Men & Women Join the Airforce.

In today’s Airforces men and women work alongside each other in every aspect of the military. From day one everyone is training hard together to make the Airforce the best it can be. Females work in all aspects from flying combat aircraft, technical trades and every other important part of this organization.

Joining the Airforce & Basic Training.

Basic training is an incredible and memorable time for all recruits. Lots of physical training, marching as well as learning weapons. This is a time of losing your me attitude and becoming a person with an US attitude. It becomes about teamwork and that’s so important.

Basic Training.

Basic training teaches many of the essential skills. You will need to understand ranks and authority. You will be molded into the person you want to be. At this point in initial of military training some do decide maybe the military life is not for them. This likely will be the only time you can ask to leave often in the first 90 days after enlistment.

It’s an intense 12 week program with a lot of things you look back on with fond memories. On graduation you will have a big parade and you can often invite family to experience it with you. It’s a very special time for all. This is one event in your military life you wont forget. The people you train with can often be friends for life.

Joining the Airforce Service Time.

Joining the Airforce requires you sign on for a period of time. This can be four or six years with ten years for pilots. It depends on your length of training and what education the Airforce paid for so you could do your job. When it’s time to resign there are sometimes re enlistment bonuses or you may not be offered reenlistment. It will depend on your history and Airforce requirements.

Airforce Retirement.

Those that love the Airforce can stay for twenty plus years and more. The benefits are a pension if you serve over twenty years. It’s important to check the requirements in your own country. The period can change in different countries. I understand the RAF was a 22 years where the RAAF was 20 years. Do your research so you understand. As a young man or woman 20 years seems so far away but from experience it passes much faster than you can imagine.

Leaving The Airforce Culture Shock.

Leaving the Airforce can be quite a stressful experience for many. It very much depends on how and why you are leaving. Just hated it, then probably no so much of an issue but the civilian culture is very different. Completing ten years of service, I personally felt abandoned and lost. No real civilian friends to speak of, my old work mates could not talk to me about anything work wise. When all your discussions were work related its just sudden silence.

If you have a family member separating from any branch of the military they will probably not understand why its now all different. They will need some support and unfortunately many don’t get it. The worst statistic is that ex military personal, especially those that have served in combat but not exclusively, so often take their own lives.


The wealth of jobs and incredible experiences when joining the Airforce makes it a special place. Fast paced, leading edge technology and comradery you will find comforting. Choosing the Airforce will be a life changing decision you will love. I hope you take the challenge and succeed.


Brendon McAliece is a RAAF veterinary with two decades of military jet experience as an Armament Fitter both in the military and contracting in the Middle East. He has real world flying experience as a Sport Pilot and over 30 years of flight simulator experience. He is a multi-lingual Australian expat who lives in Thailand.

Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170
Brendon McAliece Jabiru 170

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