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How to ADD Nvidia’s Latest DLSS 4.0 to DCS World Today Its Amazing.
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How to ADD Nvidia’s Latest DLSS 4.0 to DCS World Today Its Amazing.
DLSS 4.0 IN DCS World Now!
Yes, fellow DCS WORLD pilots you can Add Nvidia’s Latest DLSS 4.0 to your favorite sim right now! I have just done it and flown a couple trial missions and its pretty amazing. The quality and the FPS are pretty good! They are honestly a lot better than previous flights so let’s get to Adding Nvidia’s DLSS 4.0 to your sim so you too can enjoy the benefits. Please remember if you’re on older hardware like 2000 – 3000 and even 4000 you won’t get all the features such as frame generation. This is simply keeping you at the forefront of DLSS delivery.
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If you’re on 4000 series, you won’t get the multi frame generation but the original single frame version. I’m on an RTX 3070 and the DLSS update has proven to be write nice in fps boost and performance but more importantly is the visual clarity I now have. I updated to “J” release but there is now a “K ” release as I write so I’ll be updating to that as well.
There is a chance the multi frame generation as well as advanced ray tracing features could be also released to earlier RTX GPU’s as noted by NVIDIA themselves just recently. You can read about this here if you’re interested. If it comes to be it will be a driver addition and although not probably as good as the dedicated 5000 series performance, it will be a boost of sorts again if it happens. Regardless any performance increase is always welcome, isn’t it?
What you need to download!
Yes, we need a few common tools to enable Nvidia’s new DLSS 4.0 in your DCS WORLD.
- Optional – REGEDIT PATH to add Indicator – Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NGXCore Create New Setting – ShowDlssIndicator – Decimal – 1024 …… If you’re not confident using REGEDIT – YOU DONT NEED THIS Honestly.
How to ADD Nvidia’s Latest DLSS 4.0 to DCS World
- Download DLSS Swapper and Install
- Open DLSS Swapper – ADD DCS WORLD by finding its DCS.exe file in the MT folder
- Click on the new DCS World Entry to see the new window for updating DLSS.
- Download the latest DLSS Version from the top of the dropdown menu.
- REGEDIT NEWD WORD 32 bit – Decimal – 1024
1. DLSS SWAPPER PROGRAM – Install / Setup
The first step is to download then install the DLSS Swapper program. It’s a small program that allows you to quickly update games and sims to the latest DLSS version or even roll it back should there be a problem with a new release. So once downloaded then open the program. You will be met with a screen with recognized games you have installed quite similar to the NVIDIA app with your listed installed programs.
You will need to ADD a PROGRAM (see above) so simply hit the ADD program button and navigate to your DCS WORLD.exe file and select it. It’s located inside your DCS WORLD folder under your DCS WORLD\ Bin\DCS.exe. (I don’t believe you should go to the MT Bin folder anymore since DCS 2.9 was release). Now DCS World will show up in your programs list. There likely won’t be any graphic so if you wish you can add a DCS WORLD picture if you want. Optional
Now we need to download the latest DLSS Version and install it. Right click on the DCS World tile and open up the DLSS list. At the top select the latest version and download it from the drop-down menu. Once completed your done here for now!
The left side picture is what you will see when you click on the DCS WORLD tile in DLSS Swapper. Select the dropdown box and you will see the list of available DLSS versions in the list on the right of screen. (Note: There is now a newer one from what’s depicted).
Select the very top and download it. Now you will be up to date but not yet ready to go flying.
NVIDIA Profile Inspector – Download – Install – Setup.
Download the NVIDIA PROFILE INSPECTOR from the link above as well as the CUSTOM SETTING NAMES, Extract and install as required. Once the NVIDIA INSPECTOR is ready for use unpack the Custom Settings Names and place the file in the Nvidia Inspector Folder. You’re finished with that now.
Open the NVIDIA inspector and in the dropdown list look for your DCS World in the list. It should populate nearer the top of what is a very long list. Once you have found it click on the DCS World entry and the window will show all the relevant setting you can change in the window, it’s important not to change anything unless you know what you’re doing ok.
We will adjust one setting and confirm a second is already on! The two settings you need to be concerned with are in Section 5 section called “COMMON”.
- Here check the CUDA P2 State is ON. If not click and change the setting but it’s been on in my programs thus far. It’s about the 4th entry from the top.
2. Next select the DLSS PRESET column, and a drop-down box will appear with all the DLSS versions available to time of checking. Scroll down till you see the latest PRESET “J” which is the one at time of writing. You can come back later and see if there are any more later presets should you be reading this in the future.
I believe you may need to go back to the DLSS Swapper in the future to download the latest version first then come back here to the Nvidia Profile Inspector and update it again unless Eagle Dynamics let us know they have done it in an update. Let’s hope they do!
Save your selection up on the right-hand side and we are done installing DLSS 4 to DCS WORLD. At this point you can just dive into DCS World and see how the performance has improved. Again, as I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, in my own experience having done all of this just yesterday, I found the FPS much better but more importantly it was considerably clearer vision in VR than it was pre update. I’m pretty happy with the results!
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Performance Monitor – REGEDIT (OPTIONAL & NOT REQUIRED for the update to work)
The REGEDIT part of this tutorial does not make any difference to the DLSS 4 install into DCS World. What it’s intended to do is give you a small on-screen monitor when in DCS World to confirm your edit has worked and you’re on the DLSS version you desire. Honestly if you don’t see an FPS improvement or quality improvement you know it wasn’t done correctly. It was immediately obvious especially clarity in VR.
In Windows type REGEDIT into the search bar and open the program up. Generally, I don’t recommend anyone editing anything in the Windows registry because you can seriously cause some damage here if you’re not careful! As I said, this is an optional choice to add a monitor in game as a confirmation. I didn’t bother worrying about it but it’s here regardless.
If you want to do it: In the Windows search box type REGEDIT and hit enter. Regedit will now be in front of you. Copy this path – Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NGXCore – THis will direct you to the correct place. Here click on the open window and create a new Dword – 32 bit value. Name it “ShowDlssIndicator” exactly as shown. In the bot type 1024, save and close. You should now see a message on the corner of the c=screen telling you what DLSS you have in operation.
What this does not do!
Please note that any other game/simulator like X-Plane 12 which currently does not support DLSS is edited with the steps above it WILL NOT WORK. The program must natively support DLSS for you to update it. It’s not a magic bullet to add DLSS into a program that does not currently support it. If it does you can get the latest DLSS version but also only the features your Nvidia GPU can deliver. RTX 2000 is DLSS only / RTX 3000 – DLSS & Raytracing ONLY / No Frame generation – RTX 4000 DLSS / Single Frame generation / RTX 5000 – Multiframe generation and all the goodies.
Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.
He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multi-lingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on and, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.
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As an Amazon affiliate I may benefit from qualifying sales.
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10 responses to “How to ADD Nvidia’s Latest DLSS 4.0 to DCS World Today Its Amazing.”
Having trouble here – when I open the NVIDIA Inspector, DCS isn’t in the drop down list??
Here is the instruction but its pretty simple : You will need to ADD a PROGRAM (see above) so simply hit the ADD program button and navigate to your DCS WORLD.exe file and select it. It’s located inside your DCS WORLD folder under your DCS WORLD\ Bin\DCS.exe. Now DCS World will show up in your programs list. There likely won’t be any graphic so if you wish you can add a DCS WORLD picture if you want. Note: I have added a graphic to show you the ADD PROGRAM BUTTON in DLSS SWAPPER.
Directions missing steps like make sure custom library is turned on. Pictures cant be clicked on to see what your pointing at as it takes you to a site instead. DCS not appearing in Nvidia inspector. you mention extracting and installing a XMl custom names file…how do you extract and install a XML other than copying it into the directory?
Thanks Stuart Ill do my best to fix these issues. Appreciate your guidance.
In reviewing and making a couple small tweak’s I believe the post has all the required instructions as needed. I don’t know anything about a custom library setting being required. I didn’t use one?
Thank you very much for your guide. I have an understanding problem concerning the small on-screen monitor: You wrote: “In the bot type 1024…”. Where exactly do I type 1024? Could you please describe this entry?
Thank you!
TO be hones t I wouldn’t bother with it. Especially if your not super PC SAVEY. If you don’t see your DCS performing much better by using the inbuilt frame counter ( CTR + Insert) and the image being much crisper then you may need to check it again. I don’t recommend this last step. You could seriously break stuff. Its NOT required for the update to world my friend. 🙂
When I install the files that you mentioned, what directory do I put them into? Right now everything is in the Downloads folder. Also after everything is done do I need to run the DLSS Swapper program before I run DCS?
You can download everything and extract where necessary to the DOWNLOADS folder. You can choose to move them somewhere else and keep them for further updates. No you don’t need to run anything before opening DCS wor any other DLSS program you wish to update. Once you have done the update your finished. Just run DCS as normal unless there is another update which will happen over time and you want to manually update DCS again. Hope the tutorial was helpful .. GUnnie
[…] with the latest DLSS 4.0 offering quite a bit in performance and quality of picture. You can READ HERE on how to do it in just a few […]