Free Air Combat Simulator – Incredible Falcon BMS 4.36.

Free Air Combat Simulator – Incredible Falcon BMS 4.36.

Free Air Combat Simulator – Incredible Falcon BMS 4.36.

What is Falcon BMS?

Why should you DOWNLOAD it for FREE!

Falcon BMS is a community driven free air combat simulator, a continuation of the extremely popular air combat simulator called Falcon 4.0. In fact, Falcon many iterations back in the late 1990s and I flew it back then. It was an epic back then and along with F-16 Combat pilot we use to fly on RS232 cable like a local network killed many weekend evenings.

Falcon BMS Dynamic Campaign Maps

Falcon 4.0 was the last iteration before its development ended leaving a hole in the air combat market. It would not be till quite a few years new combat simulators like DCS World, and its predecessors were released. Recently the licence has been repurchased by Microprose and a planned new release in possible 2026 is possible.

What Made Falcon 4.0 Outstanding as a FREE Air Combat Simulator.

Falcon 4.0 is incredible because of it having a full dynamic campaign mode. This has not been achieved by any combat sim since! The dynamic campaign is fluid and keeps track of real time. Everything you achieve or fail at in a mission effects the campaign as a whole. You become the pivotal point with your wingman attacking ATO (Air Task) Order) targets.

Many other companies tried to create the style of dynamic campaign Falcon had and went broke trying. No one has managed to do it since! To succeed I you really plan missions and choose the hardest missions to really have a chance at winning the campaign. It could take weeks to win and days to lose a campaign. It was incredibly hard to do but super challenging.

Your options in this sim are to be commander in chief and determine every mission playing in overall command. You can step in and fully the missions selected for you to impact the overall conflict.

Microprose Falcon 4.0 Training Video.

Microsoft even put together what is a true classic training video for Falcon pilots. This was created in a room with the most moustached typical fighter pilot explaining air combat manoeuvring to a bunch of young men all wearing flight suits. Truly an epic 1990s video. Worth watching regardless of its age for new pilots.

Free Air Combat Sim – Falcon BMS

Tornado – BMS – Free Air Combat Simulator.
F 16 BMS Clouds
Microprose Falcon 4.0

The combat flight simulator community yearned for Falcon 4.0 being the last iteration to be updates. There were some very talented and passionate people that got together and made an amazing free air combat by creating Falcon BMS from the original. How they got the license to edit it and what it is today I honestly don’t know. The important thing is they did!

Do you need Falcon 4.0 for BMS?

Yes you do need Falcon 4.0 on your PC to download and fly Falcon BMS! The BMS installation checks that you do so if you don’t have a copy you have some options. It’s possible if you just had the Falcon.exe file in a Falcon 4.0 folder that it would be enough.

You can buy a copy from many retailers online for a few dollars or you can download it for free right here on Lets Fly VFR.

Yes click the link here to download your safe full copy of Falcon 4.0. I found this on another website that offered it for free so I’m presuming there are no longer any licensing issues.

F-16 Falcon by Benchmark Sims

What’s DOES a Free Air Combat Sim Offer?

Over the years Falcon BMS has evolved amazingly and today really is its own simulator.

Falcon BMS still has the incredible Dynamic Campaign mode for all to challenge themselves with. It has dynamic weather with 3D clouds that look great. It supports online play with friends and there are a number of public servers where budding pilots fly and make names for themselves. One passionate community is Veterans Gaming where you can find the latest iteration to download as well as the Falcon BMS website.

What Aircraft Can I Fly.

There are a wide range of aircraft you can fly in this free air combat simulator. In the early days it was just the F-16 Falcon and over time more advanced models of the F-16 were introduced with updated avionics and new HUDs to vary the experience.

Then a major change occurred with a wide range of aircraft becoming flyable. I believe you can fly nearly any type of aircraft in the sim or certainly could do last I flew it quite a few years back.

The cockpits etc. then were not fill fidelity as we would call them in DCS. They were the low tech versions but today the list of aircraft below directly from the Benchmark Sims website detail your current options for high detail full fidelity aircraft.

  • Experience the F-18C and a fully modeled LSO landing procedure
  • Fly the French Mirage 2000 in many forms (2000D, 2000-5, 2000C, 2000-9…)
  • Enjoy VTOL capacity with the AV-8B harrier
  • Fly red side in mig-29

Flight Dynamics Are Accurate!

The team at Benchmark Sims (BMS) have taken hundreds of hours programing and testing all aspects of the flight model with publicly available data. They have focused on these items to deliver a realistic flying experience.

  • FLCS (FLight Controls Systems)
  • Engine thrust
  • Lift calculations
  • Turn rate ratio
  • Brakes efficiency

So, you know when you climb aboard any of the BMS aircraft the procedures and performance be as accurate as possible.

Advanced AI used in Falcon BMS.

Advanced AI has been introduced into Falcon BMS to make it an incredibly dynamic free air combat simulator. No matter if your flying solo, online or in the campaign mode all assets will operate on their own as if you were operating them. Realistic operations, weapons deployments as well as communications will be maintained to keep the Immersion of the sim.

  • Proper radio communication procedures
  • Navigation procedures
  • Proper weapons employment
  • Mimic human behavior
  • IADS system

Where Can I Fly?

The default map with Falcon BMS is the Korean Theatre but don’t worry there are some industries community members that wanted other regions as well.

  • Korea (2012)
  • Kurile Islands (Japan)
  • Balkans (Yugoslavia)
  • East Mediterranean
  • Nordic (Norway)
  • Pillars of Hercules (Greece)

There are more maps available. I found these on this site so feel free to go and download them. Download here!

How To Install Falcon BMS.

Installing Falcon BMS with the latest version can be done by downloading the Torrent link from Benchmark Sims own website then using a torrent tool like BitTorrent.

You will first need Falcon 4.0 which you can download here or search for Falcon 4.0 download on your favourite browser. There are freeware and still some pay options.

  1. Install Falcon 4.0 to default location.
  2. Download and install Benchmark Sims Falcon.
Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170
Brendon McAliece Jabiru 170

The install is very easy then open it up and start saving the world. The interface is still very dated looking but don’t worry the game looks great.


Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.

He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multilingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on and, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.

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