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F-16 Viper Legend in the Jet Fighter World.
F-16 Viper Legend in the Jet Fighter World.
In 2022 the venerable and superbly capable F-16 Viper still offers incredible capabilities. Many Air Forces operating it remain extremely capable in the current environments. The Viper is the most produced jet fighter in history. It commenced operations in the late 1970s and early 1980s. There have been over 4500 units produced with 3500 still operational.
DCS WORLD – Viper Module
Trying to decide what DCS Jet Fighter module to buy and focus on? The F 16 Viper has to be at the top of the pile with performance and capabilities. The DCS World F 16 Viper offers incredible performance, 9G turning capability makes it deadly. A jet with amazingly powerful weapons array makes it exceptional in any theatre of operations.
The F 16 Viper offers unparalleled performance in the BVR (Beyond Visual Range) arena. The Vipers incredibly powerful engine drives it to extremely high top speeds and altitudes. These attributes combine to slinging AIM-120 missiles at targets over 50 Nm.
F 16 Viper History.
The F 16 Viper became operational in the early 1980s. I personally sat in one of the first models at the Butterworth Air Force Base. The Japanese based USAF fighters came to show off the latest generation in hope of selling it. The Royal Malaysian Air Force operated F-5s at the time. It was truly unfair in the dogfights. The Vipers limited radar helped it acquire targets for its Aim 9 IR air to air missiles in close in fights which it excelled. It’s surprising the original F 16s didn’t carry the AIM-7 radar guided missile till sometime later.
The Viper has grown in capability enormously over the years. Systems like the Aim-120 AMRAAM being added giving it a lethal medium range missile. Upgraded with navigation systems as well as the ability to deliver laser guided bombs. The F 16 is a deadly ground pounder and proved its effectiveness in the Iraqi war.
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Ground Breaking Technology.
The Viper broke away from many traditional design concepts. It was the first to use fly by wire controls. No cables or rods connected the control surfaces to the controls. It was computers controlling all the control surfaces. Originally an analogue system it was later upgraded to a newer digital system.
F-16 Viper – Relaxed Stability.
Relaxed stability in the Vipers design meant the aircraft could not be controlled if the computers failed. The relaxed stability design means the aircraft is unstable in pitch. This design feature allows aircraft to change direction much faster than traditional designs. The combination of a HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick) and a revolutionary HUD (Heads Up Display). The combination enables the pilot to select weapons and manage radar and displays without removing their hands from the controls. The HUD displays all the pilots weapon’s and navigation information in an easy to manage format. Delivery of weapon’s and navigation information in one place keeps the pilot operating at peak performance.
DCS World Control Setup.
It is have a HOTAS system for your simulator setup. The Thrustmaster setups are very good and expensive. If money is no option its a recommended option. Wing-wing is another company producing quality HOTAS systems. These simple make it super easy with premade control files already available for the popular systems.
If your flying with a single stick remember you can task a single button to do multiple tasks with some planning. Select any button to do a primary task such as the 4 way top toggle on a Sidewinder pro stick.
- Select Trim settings like nose up, nose down and roll trims first.
Modifiers allow you to reassign these same switch selections by adding Left shift plus each axis. Up/down/left/right to select weapons.
2. The same four direction switch with L CTR + Up/down/left/right can control your displays.
3. A third set of functions such as Radar Curser control can be programmed by using Left ALT + Up/down/left/right.
You can extend this further by using two modifiers with L SHIFT+ L CTR PLUS switch to do another task.
F 16 Viper – DCS – Flight Model.
DCS Worlds F 16 Viper module has grown closer to completion with every passing month. In a recent addition the Vipers flight model has been updated so it’s ability to maintain 9Gs has been made more realistic. The blackout of the pilot was also to sensitive and has been updated. The 30 degrees reclined ejection seat is specifically designed to reduce the strain on the pilot to maintain 9Gs. You will find the updated flight model incredibly good.
The tell tail of a high G turn is the two streams of vapor coming from the leading edges of the wings. If you see this the Viper has plenty of energy and coming to kill you.
Visibility & Comfort.
The Viper one piece canopy gives the pilot unrestricted view of 360 deg. The fact it does not have a canopy bow increases the forward visibility incredibly for the pilot.
Flying the DCS Viper in Virtual Reality is an incredible experience. Made better by the supreme visibility in all directions while sitting on the reclined ejection seat. The real aircraft, having sat in one makes you feel like you’re sitting on top of the aircraft. I could imagine some feeling quite exposed initially.
The canopy sill is just above your hips in height. Much different to traditional fighters like the Mirage III I worked on at the time. It was like sitting inside the Mirage with the canopy sill about chest height.
MFD Multi-Function Display.
The F 16 Viper was the first aircraft to deliver glass cockpits. The advent of MFDs gave the pilot unprecedented access to any and all information he needed with a flick of a switch on the stick. Radar, navigation and systems information was always just a click away.
The twin MFSs are interchangeable with the pilot setting radar and navigation information on either MFD. Surrounding the MFDs were range of buttons that could change the format of the display.
The Up-Front Control – UFC
The UFC was a new addition to modern cockpits. The UFC enabled the pilot to directly interface with the aircraft. Way point information as well as navigation controls and radios can all be controlled through this immensely valuable new invention.
Viper Ground Handling.
One negative of the Viper is its undercarriage. The tricycle undercarriage is quite narrow which requires some caution when both taxiing as well as take-off and landing phases of flight.
Real world F 16 pilots report you must respect the aircraft anytime the tires are on the tarmac. Landing and touch down often leads to a small if your having this issue don’t worry it’s normal.
F 16 Viper Weapons – Sting in its Tail.
The whole reason for the F 16 Viper existence is to kill fighters. To do this you need a great fighter as well as world class weapons. The quality of weapons and capabilities has grown overtime. Today The Viper boasts Helmet Mounted sights (HMCS) allowing targeting of aircraft and ground targets simply by looking at them.
Advancements like the AIM-9X gives the Viper incredible off boresight killing capability. Fire over the shoulder is now a real thing! The advent of the Fox 1 AIM-120 has taken medium range missiles to a new lethal level.
We certainly cannot forget the latest pods attached giving day/night navigation as well as laser designation for Paveway III weapons. The list continues with small diameter bombs, anti-Radar and Maverick missiles. The latest generation of GPS glide weapons also make the Viper even more lethal. Last and by no chance least is the venerable M61 six-barrel cannon firing 4000-6000 rounds per minute.
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Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.
He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multi-lingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on and, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.
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