F-5 Tiger II

DCS World F-5 Low Level Toss Bombing Survival Tutorial.

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DCS World F-5 Low Level Toss Bombing Survival Tutorial.

F-5 Tiger Taxi

Heatblur 80’s Cold War Server

The F-5 Tiger II is a great little aircraft that has proven its amazing qualities time after time. Used by the US military as an adversary aircraft because it closely resembles the Mig-21 and other Soviet aircraft performance and many countries because of its low cost and great performance.

F-5 Tiger II by Heatblur

I chose the F-5 Tiger for my Multiplayer Cold War Server flying because I had it and really didn’t want a more complex aircraft such as the New F-4 Phantom by Heatblur that was recently released. Simple and effective the F-5 was my choice and has proven great fun to fly and fight with. It is well armed for the period with Aim 9 sidewinders and its pair of 20 mm guns in its nose. THe radar is ok but not anywhere in the class of the newer Vipers and Hornets but simple and efficient.

Bombing & Ground Attack

Bombing and ground attack the Tiger is a pretty good platform allowing general purpose bombs like the MK-82 500 Lb bomb in both High drag and low drag configurations. Amazingly you can carry 5 on the centreline which packs some punch. The wings have two pylons also for bombs and loading up the centreline plus wings makes her pretty heavy but still comfortable to head out and kill some ground targets.

Surprisingly the F-5 can LGB bomb with a ground designator which does come up on the server plus rockets which can certainly be devastating on softer targets. Overall its a fun weapons platform and very happy I have it for this 80’s scenario.


I feel a quick overview of this type of mission is worth commenting on. If there are two to four of you then you want to try and arrive within say 30 seconds of each other from the predetermined attack time. Having multiple aircraft doing their rappid 30 degree climb at the IP would be ideal. This then divides the interest of the multiple gun batteries as well as missile launchers between you all and improves your survivability.

Organising your flight to come in at angles that compliment the attack. For example if one aircraft comes in from North at say 000 degrees attacking south then Id expect the other two to come in from say 100 degrees and 200 degrees so your never flying directly at each other and tossing bombs.


Get Away Safe

DCS World F-5 Tiger 2

Using VOR is an option for sure giving you the correct direction and distance on the VOR radio seems logical but it works intermittently in DCS so far. It could be me turning it on while the startup procedure is happening but I don’t yet know.


Ensure you get the VOR channel for the target you want to hit. Again in real life this is probably changed regularly so you wont get it but in DCS they dont change and that’s important. Im leaving from X02 Vor channel at my base at Krynsk. My Target is on X3 Channel so I generally take off on X2 channel and select 72 degrees for the heading. This takes me towards the target airbase.

Getting Closer

Getting closer I want to attack on the runway heading of 09/27 so I select X3 to change VOR channels radio panel. I then fly north till the needles align with the VOR heading at 090 degrees. Rotate the OBS till the needle points to 90 degrees. The centre needle will offset to the direction you are from lining up on your attack run.

This then puts me in line for the attack on the runway heading and gives me range to the VOR/Airbase as well. Flying directly towards the base keeping the directional needles aligned on 090 I get a distance reading on the top left of the VOR instrument. At 4 Nm at 500 Ft and 500 Knots I pull up into a 30 Degree climb and count 3 seconds as I pull Up. At the 3 second point I release the weapons in Ripple and roll back the way the direction I came in on with a slicing descending turn in full A/B!

At this point the guns are often looking for me and missiles could be in the air so chaff and flare while departing at maximum speed~! No time to check out your handy work as you’ll certainly die!


In my RAAF and Contracting with BAe Systems both the Royal Malaysian Airforce and Saudi Airforce operated F-5 Tigers where I was based in Butterworth, Malaysia then Khamis Mushayt, Saudi Arabia when I worked on Tornado IDS/ADV.

Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.

He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multi-lingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on LetsFlyVFR.com and DreamingGuitar.com, his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog.

Brendon McAliece - Gunnie and a Jabiru 170

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