Category: Flying both sim and real
Comprehensive Tutorial: How to Enter the Circuit to Land Safely in a Flight Simulator
Brendon McAliece
Remember Pilots – “Takeoffs are optional – Landings are Monitory!” This tutorial explains how to enter the circuit, join the pattern, and execute a safe approach and landing! Read more
A Comprehensive Guide for Flight Simulator Pilots Flying in VFR Conditions.
Brendon McAliece
A Comprehensive Guide for Flight Simulator Pilots Flying in VFR Conditions. (Pt-6) this is a comprehensive guide for flight simulator pilots flying in VFR conditions to explain what VFR is exactly. Flying in Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions requires a pilot to navigate and operate an aircraft using visual references outside the cockpit rather than… Read more
How to Perform Level, Climbing, and Descending Turns in a Flight Simulator. (Cessna 172 Tutorial)
Brendon McAliece
How to Perform Level, Climbing, and Descending Turns in a Flight Simulator (Cessna 172 Tutorial Pt-5) This tutorial is designed to teach flight simulator pilots how how to perform turns either level turns, climbing turns, and descending turns in a Cessna 172 or any aircraft. Large or small learning how to perform turns is a… Read more
How New Flight Simulator Pilots Learning Real-World Flight Procedures for Startup, Taxi, and Takeoff.
Brendon McAliece
How New Flight Simulator Pilots Learning Real-World Flight Procedures for Startup, Taxi, and Takeoff. (Pt-4) If you’re like many Flight Simulator Pilots Learning to fly we want to make it as realistic as possible. Taking the extra time using a flight simulator to practice real-world aviation procedures can greatly enhance the experience when you replicate… Read more
What is a NOTAM? Can Flight Simulator Pilots USe them?
Brendon McAliece
A NOTAM (Notice to Airmen or Notice to Air Missions) is a critical aviation document issued to provide pilots and other personnel with timely information about changes or hazards that could affect flight operations. NOTAMs are part of the pre-flight briefing process and are essential for both real-world and simulator pilots Read more
Mastering Basic Flight Procedures in a Flight Simulator. From Runway Dreams to Simulated Reality.
Brendon McAliece
This guide will teach you the foundational steps and maneuvers a student pilot learns during their initial flight lessons, from start-up to landing. By following these procedures in your flight simulator, you’ll develop skills that mirror the journey of a real pilot. Read more