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Brand NEW Flight Simulators – You may Not know ABOUT!
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Brand NEW Flight Simulators – You May Not Know About!
NOR – TWS Flight, Simulators!
You may be surprised to know there are a couple pretty amazing Brand NEW Flight Simulators that are new or sadly not yet available to the general public. These are NOR which is a fully finished and pretty amazing looking combat simulator that looks so much better than DCS World it’s amazing. NOR is built using the latest game engine called ‘Unreal Engine 5‘ which uses the latest technology and can truly take your breath away with its ability to render scenes that, you could not tell are not photographs.
What Is the NOR Simulator?
The NOR simulator is created by META using, the publicly available Unreal Engine 5 that anyone can download and use. NOR is focused currently on the training of Military Pilots as well as large companies who also need flight training. The pictures above are all from the NOR Simulator and the pictures below show what Unreal Engine is capable of. NOR is both an air, sea and land simulator system being able to be used for large force scenarios combining many components of the battle space. This is how. NOR describe themselves:
NOR Summary
We build industry-leading, realistic, immersive, and strikingly accurate digital recreations of aircraft, cockpits, vehicles, and other entities for simulation, analysis, training, and industrial design. Digitally reconstructed assets are validated through photogrammetric and laser scanning and built to rigorous standards.
Current Customers are Primarily, Military. Not for Public Use.
To date NOR is not considering being open to use by the general public. There is always a chance in the future I would like to think but at, what cost because you can be assured the customers using this product are paying a premium price!
To sell to the public they would have to find a model that would not be so high the general public would not be able to afford it and one that would still look favorable for its current customers. That’s a challenge I believe so probably, not in she short term unfortunately.
TWS a Brand NEW Flight Simulators Available Soon!
On a more positive point out of the two Brand NEW Flight Simulators although NOR remains in the professional world TWS (Track While Scan) will become available to the general public. This flight, simulator is aimed at combat as well as NOR we mentioned above but is still currently in ALFA build status so it’s a while away before we can get out hands on it.
This combat flight simulator looks like it will surpass DCS World in the graphics department by a long way with the whole world available to fly in. It also looks to be using Unreal Engine to create it. This brand new flight simulators presentation is mixed with some incredibly good scenery but in what’s been shown so far some quite poorly created combat aircraft.
It’s very early to make a really fair judgement of the Sim on what we are seeing. This simulator is aimed at all areas of theatre operations from air combat to Naval and land based assets including troops. The videos available of which I’ll include show the current development.
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TWS Pricing.
There is currently pricing available for this combat simulator and on first glance it’s pretty expensive. It’s based on licenses on a single product so I’ll list the current prices below.
There is an option for purchasing in advance of the Sim which personally I would avoid till there is a lot more information available. The TWS website itself is not very forth coming with progress and offers a number of videos to entice the viewer to buy.
In any new build project there is a certainly a risk of losing your money especially if you buy a package that’s around $1800 USD on the website. That’s a lot to drop on an unknown product.
The website does specify a number of aircraft like the Hawk trainer and some lightly armored vehicles as free downloads. This is a bit like DCS where you can download the core program and a couple of aircraft to get a look at the sim. It’s a good start and if they offer it in this format people can decide if they want a single aircraft for $109 usd or the whole package at just around $1000 usd.
TWS offer a 30 day money back guarantee for their product but when it will, be available to try is not yet known. I would hope that there is the free try option with a view to having customers make up their minds if it’s worth it to get the ultimate pass. Comparing the pricing with DCS World it’s worth remembering the whole world is on offer and with there being approximately six current scenery packages at &$80 being $450.
If you were to purchase all the DCS World modules created by Eagle dynamics and third party partners your also looking at around 15 aircraft at generally $80 not considering discounts which are pretty common would cost you $1200. If you were so inclined get everything you at $1600 already so when you, look at getting every vehicle and every aircraft as well as troops the overall cost is not that outlandish. The big question is how badly do you want the whole world and every vehicle?
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Don’t Spend Any Money!
Its incredible what we are seeing in these simulators but will we ever get our hands on them? I think its a big ask with one focused on purely military applications thus far and the information from the other still pretty sketchy and not a lot forthcoming. I certainly am excited they are on the horizon but would be keeping my credit card in the wallet safe till its confirmed they are available to the general public. Interested on your thoughts! Let me know down below if you learn more.
Brand NEW Flight Simulators.
The brand new flight, simulators are a shit in the arm and it’s exciting to see new blood in the genre. It’s disappointing that NOR by Meta is still a professionally focused simulator but if TWS and it’s pricing model prove attractive to would be military types being they offer most types of involvement then it could be exciting. TWS will hopefully come to fruition soon and we will see more of its potential to gamers. Let’s hope both become available because competition is always good for innovation, improvement and prices.
Brendon McAliece (Aka Gunnie) is a military veteran with 23 years working on Jet Fighters, their weapons systems and ejection seat/module systems as well as munitions and R&D. Involved with flight simulation since the 1980s, he has flown all the major flight simulators over the years.
He is an Australian expat who has lived in Malaysia, UK, Saudi Arabia and more recently Thailand. He is a multilingual blogger who loves to share his life experiences here on and, with his lifestyle and Travel experiences Blog plus his Dreaming Coffee website.
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2 responses to “Brand NEW Flight Simulators – You may Not know ABOUT!”
TWS is a scam, don’t fall for it
I recently looked and could not find the website so your probably right.